Dryeco’s Environmental Pledge & the GreenEarth Cleaning Seal

You don’t have to be a tree-hugging environmentalist to know that in your own little way, you need to take steps in order to help stop the ruin of the environment. Since the film “An Inconvenient Truth” came out a few years ago, the entire world has been abuzz about the term climate change – […]

Dryeco Partners with Ecomb.org to Effect Environmental Change

What do you get when you put together two organizations whose goal is to promote the good of the environment? Through each organization’s efforts, environmental changes will be effected, people will be educated and more of the community will be engaged. This is exactly the goal of the partnership created between Dryeco Cleaners and Ecomb.org. […]

The way our company works

To explain the way Our Green Cleaners Company works, you should understand the dry cleaning basics. There exist a huge number of models and makes up to cleaning machines, they are all still have the same principle of working as well as function. A cleaning machine holds fabrics or clothes in the perforated basket with […]